The App will Show your current location.
Move the Map to change the Pickup or drop off locations.
Click on Set Pickup to make the current location as your Pickup.
The App will Show your current location.
Move the Map to change the Pickup or drop off locations.
Type the Postcode to find out your exact address.
Click on Airports, Stations, Hotels, Hospitals and Favourites to select Airports, Hotels, Stations and Favourites Addresses.
Click on Vehicle icon to select different vehicle based on Passenger and Suitcases limit.
Select vehicle which matches your requirements.
Price may vary depending on vehicle capacity.
Once you are happy with Pickup, Drop off, Date, time and Vehicle. Click on Get Quotation to check the journey fare.
Provide Full Name, Mobile Number and Email Address.
Choose how to pay by Clicking Cash, Account, or by Card.
Click on Card to pay by Credit Card or Debit Cards.
Provide all your card details correctly and press Done button to process your booking.
On behalf of the KB Radio Cars team thank you for registering,
we look forward to meeting your service requirements.
Copyright © 2022 KB Radio Cars
225 Kingston Road, New Malden, Surrey - KT3 3SZ